CEM do not publish past 11+ exam papers. For an idea of the type of questions and format of papers you can
download CEM 11 Plus familiarisation booklets. These have been created by CEM to illustrate the fomat and type of questions children may encounter in the tests.
Significantly Bexley County Council have supplied a short CEM 11+ test and is one of the few actual tests created by CEM that are in the public domain. It can be downloaded by
clicking here.
A number of organisations publish 11+ papers that are claimed to simulate actual CEM 11 plus papers. None of these bar one possess any parts of an actual test paper. This is the only website group that has obtained sections of CEM 11plus test through the process of legal disclosure. As a result, realistic CEM11+ mock papers can be purchased from the
shop to download. Physical books can be purchased from
SatsBooks.com and physical CEM mock papers can be purchased from
Amazon by clicking here.
GL Assessment provide practice papers free of charge and can be downloaded from their
website. A variety of discounted practice books that may be purchased in physical form from